The Wisconsin Arts Board turned 50 this year!


Please join us as we bring the party to the virtual space via Zoom on Tuesday, July 16th from 11:30am-1pm.  Please register and you will be emailed the Zoom link within 24 hours.

Our staff and board members, together with your fellow WI arts and community leaders, will be talking about the impact of the arts on the places where you live and work. Whether you’re entirely new to the Wisconsin Arts Board (WAB) and its work or you’ve known us for years, please bring your voice to this virtual gathering and share:

•  your perspective on what’s happening with the arts and creativity in your region - including the story of your own work there;
•  your knowledge of the regional resources that are available now, or those you want to see in the future to strengthen your own creative work and region; and
•  your thoughts on how the WAB’s work might intersect with and strengthen yours over the next 5, 10, or even 50 years.

WAB staff and board will share:
•  a quick retrospective of the WAB’s partnership work with Wisconsin’s arts groups, artists, educators and community leaders over the past 50 years;
•  an update on what’s happening around the state right now, including the current economic impact of the not-for-profit arts in Wisconsin;
•  WAB’s future plans.

As always, if you can’t make it but would like to share your thoughts on any of the above, please email them to
We look forward to our conversation with you on Tuesday, July 16th in the Zoom Room.