Percent For Art Program

​​​​​​​​Please note: Wisconsin's Percent for Art Program was repealed by the Governor and Wisconsin State Legislature on July 1, 2011.  We are proud of the artwork that has been acquired through this program over the past 31 years, and thank the artists and agencies with whom we have had the pleasure to work.  The materials in this section are for informational purposes only.​

Wisconsin’s Percent for Art Program was established in 1980 for the purpose of placing artwork in public settings, helping to beautify our public buildings and urban environments, and draw attention to the wealth of artistic expertise within our region.  Under the legislation for the program, two-tenths of one percent of the total construction budget for selected new state buildings or renovation projects was designated for the commission or purchas​e of artwork.  Only state buildings with a high degree of public access were eligible for Percent for Art funding.  The Wisconsin Arts Board was the agency responsible for administering the Percent for Art Program. ​