Whether it's...
- recordings from our amazing musicians, and storytellers,
- tickets to our fantastic performing arts experiences,
- memberships to our wonderful arts and cultural organizations,
- gift certificates for art-related workshops, classes, or other hands-on-experiences,
- books by our marvelous writers and poets, or
- visual art from our remarkable painters | photographers | printmakers | potters | glass -artists | jewelers | sculptors | woodcarvers | weavers | quilters | textile-makers | blacksmiths | clothing-designers | you-get-the-idea...
... gifts of art raise the spirits, engage the senses, and bring people together in a way that nothing else does.
Where can you find it?
Wisconsin has so many fabulous independent art galleries, gift shops, book stores, museum stores, music stores, performing arts centers, and other sources of local arts from all disciplines, that there are just too many to list. If you're not sure how to find those places, a search on the internet or a call to your local chamber of commerce is a great place to start!