The following conditions must apply for an organization to be eligible to apply to the Creative Communities grant program:
The applicant must have been doing mission-related work for three years prior to application.
The applicant (and its fiscal receiver when relevant) must be incorporated in and conduct business in Wisconsin.
The applicant must not be a for-profit organization, including LLCs.
In addition to the above, organizations must meet one of the following conditions:
The applicant must hold tax-exempt status from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The applicant must be part of a larger nonprofit, 501(c)(3) institution, or a unit of state or local government including public K-12 schools; or
If none of the above are applicable, applicants that are incorporated in WI as nonstock corporations may apply using a separate nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization or unit of local government as a fiscal receiver.
For Colleges, Universities, and Units of Tribal
or Local Government including Public Schools: The
Arts Board does support projects that fall under the auspices of these
organizations, provided those projects involve the local community in planning,
execution, and participation. These applicants must demonstrate that the
project reaches the general public in addition to an academic audience. This
can be shown through financial support from sources beyond the school such as
local corporations, businesses, individuals and foundations; through its
audience/participant evaluation statistics; through board, advisory or steering
committee composition that includes community members; etc. No administrative
fee for this grant may be charged to the grant or to the program’s budget by
the university/college/school.
What is a Project?
An eligible Creative Communities project is a collaborative endeavor that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim within an identified community. It is either: