Woodland Indian Arts Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Woodland Indian Arts Program (WIA) is designed to promote and develop a foundation of cultural and economic support for traditional and contemporary Native American arts in Wisconsin. As part of this work, the Arts Board annually distributes funds from Gaming Compact monies to support artistic activities among Wisconsin's tribes, bands and urban Indian communities.​

Types of Activities Funded​​​

Funding priority goes to activities that work to build a long-term structure of support for Native arts in​ Wisconsin. These include but are not limited to:

  • ​Professional arts administration positions in support of Native arts,
  • Projects focused on the documentation, preservation, or revitalization of arts activities, language, foodways/food traditions, or cultural knowledge in Wisconsin's Native communities,
  • Technical assistance and professional development to Native artists and arts organizations,
  • Presentation and promotion of Wisconsin’s Native artists through festivals, markets, exhibitions, various media and other forms of presentation, and
  • Planning grants in preparation for any of the above.
    • Planning projects might focus on engaging the arts to adapt to the continually changing environment, developing alternative ways of meaningfully engaging with the applicant’s community, or seeking professional development or training that supports planning or a​​daption. 

New, expanded or existing projects are eligible. Traditional and contemporary art forms are welcome.

For additional information on the grant program and reports on needs articulated by Wisconsin Native artists, see this​ page.​​

Grant Amounts

Award amounts are $1,500 - $6,000. See the guidelines​​​ for details on matching requirements and eligible use of funds.​

Who Can Apply:

Applicants must be Native-led organizations and/or organizations that provide direct services to members of Wisconsin’s Native American communities and: 

  • are a unit of tribal government or hold tax-exempt status from federal income tax under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code;
  • are incorporated in and conduct business in Wisconsin and have been doing so for at least 3 years;
  • conduct arts-related work that involves and benefits ​Wisconsin’s Native American communities;
  • are the most appropriate sponsor for the proposed activities; and
  • are able to match each dollar of Arts Board support with cash, in-kind, or a combination of the two.

Unincorporated nonprofit groups and incorporated nonprofit organizations that have been doing mission-related work for at least three years but lack 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can apply using a separate nonprofit organization as a fiscal receiver. See the guidelines for more discussion of working with fiscal receivers.​

To Apply:

Submit an electronic WIA grant application by 3 pm on the due date. The program guidelines provide detailed guidance on completing and submitting the application, budget, and work samples. 

Note: Only one application per institution is permitted.

NEW Timeline (for FY25):​

  • February 13, 2025: Application Deadline​
  • March 2025 Panel: Panel meets to review applications
  • March 11, 2025: WAB votes on panel’s funding recommendations
  • March 2025: Contracts are mailed to successful applicants. Awardees must sign and return contracts and other required paperwork. Checks will be issued upon WAB receipt of all necessary materials.
  • March 15, 2025: Projects can begin
  • December 31, 2025: Project end date
  • January 31, 2026: Final report due​

Resources for Applicants